It was a quarter past 6 when we boarded the pump boat. The sky’s unusually dark this time of the year, with only the full moon illuminating our way towards the island. This is only my second time to the island province, not knowing what to expect this time.
Our ride was already waiting at the Jordan ferry station by the time we arrived 15 minutes later. Our belongings were checked by an official at the dock. Apparently, it is prohibited to bring any kind of mango to the island, reason being to protect the primary product from “contamination”. As any town outside Metro Manila, the streets were almost empty even if it’s only 7 o’clock. It didn’t take long for our party to reach the resort in Alubihod.
Alubihod is the most popular destination in Guimaras, it being situated on the main island. There are other resorts scattered in the string of islets which is only a banca-ride away. The beach front was small compared to Puerto Galera and Boracay, it being only a kilometer long, but the sand and water’s as pristine. It didn’t take much for the rest of the company to jump in the water after our packed dinner of Adobo and pansit.
This may be my second time on Guimaras but this was the first time I’ve gone night swimming. The water was still, with nary a wave coming to the shore and the moon was full. No “aswangs” on this night I hope. I always liked swimming, at the beach or pool, it didn’t matter, as long as I’m in the water. The only thought in my mind tonight was, “I wish I had shared this moment with someone.”