tagged by ManoFour Jobs I've Had In My Life:1.
Messenger- First job I ever had. I had this summer job between the 3rd and 4th year of HS. It was for a travel agency in Binondo.
School clerk- My job was to list all the grades of all the students in the UST-College of Education to be distributed to the students. It was fun ‘coz I got to see the grades or our teachers and realized how difficult it was to teach.
College Professor- Hard to believe I had it in me to do this, but it’s in the genes naman eh. How I love to hear the “stupidents” “Siiir, baka pwede naman special project na lang!”.
Architect-designer-Project Manager- The one thing that I wanted to become will be the last job I’ll ever have, lest I get a chance to work in Pixar, Walt Disney or Lucasfilms!
Four Films I Can Watch Over And Over:1.
Sleepless in Seattle.- I have a radar for this movie. I can always find which channel it’ll be on and I’ll catch it at exactly the same scene when Annie first gets to hear Sam on the radio.
The Wedding Singer- Drew Barrymore and the 80’s. Nuff said!
The Matrix Reloaded- Everything gets clearer each time I watch.
Fools rush in- "there are signs everywhere." Every architects' fantasy! Salma Hayek!
Four Places I Have Lived:1. Sampaloc, Manila
2. Subic base, Olongapo
3. Villa, Arevalo, Iloilo City
4. errr sori, I’ve only lived in 3 places, except if you count that 1 year during my thesis, but it’s still in Sampaloc.
Four TV Programs I Love To Watch:1. F*R*I*E*N*D*S!
2. Lost
3. CSI (any)
4. MTV Cribs
Four Places I Would Love To Visit, If I Had The Moolah:1. US of A
2. Singapore
3. Melbourne and Adelaide
4. Phuket
Four Websites I Visit Daily:1.
www.airfagev.com –a site for smartphone users.
4. Blogs of friends, acquaintances and chosen strangers. (hehe. Copy ko na lang from Mano)
Four Of My Favorite Food:1. Kare-Kare
2. Pizza in a form.
3. Pasta in any form
4. Chocolates in any form!
Four Places I Would Rather Be:1. home
2. the beach
3. the beach
4. the beach. (obvious na ba?)
Four Bloggers I Am Tagging:Dang! I've run out of friends to tag!