Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I haven't posted in almost a month and you're (the 3 people that reads this s$&*) probably wondering what has happened. Well, been quite busy of late, doing what most people these days been scampering for...
I already completed 2 and I'm still collecting more of the coveted stickers. Gave away the 2 planners to my sister and a friend. I'm giving the next one to my Mom and hopefully still have enough resolve to get a fourth, (and fifth).
Had lunch with an old HS friend and my Mom at Gerry's grill in Greenhills 2 weeks ago. She came home to attend to his ailing Dad. We were planning her "surprise" appearance at our upcoming reunion.
The first of 2 "reunions' with my HS classmates and close friends. Cynch succesfully surprised everyone when " this vision of loveliness materialised in our midst and stunned everyone with her ethereal beauty" (I was coerced into using this phrase!) It was a pleasant surprise to have her "finally" after 19+ years. Hopefully, we'll have a full roster come July.

In case i don'tsee you in the next few days, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!

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