Friday, June 06, 2008

looking back

Got this idea from Vikkicar. Just thought I'd give it a whirl....

30 years ago. It's June and it's 1978. I was probably just starting my Grade One education in Dr. Albert Elementary School in Sampaloc.

20 years ago. I just graduated from the education High School in UST and was about to start my 5 year grind in Architecture. Some of my classmates from Elementary was with me all the way through HS. Can you spot them?

10 years ago. 1998. I've already finished my course and passed the board. I'm already working for a Architectural-Construction Company in Binondo. I've been with the company 5 years already and I've also just finished an 3 semester tour as lecturer in FEU. Whew!

5 years ago. It's 2003 and I'm with a new company,(after the firm I worked previously folded up because of the crisis.) and I was always, always, always busy, busy, busy.

1 year ago. 2007 - Started working in an office again after 18 months in Ilo-ilo. trying to get accustomed to working in an enclosed space again after collecting all the dirt and dust from the jobsite. Learned a bit of Ilonggo though and got my self-respect back. I think. Started to find some old HS classmates and rekindled friendships anew.

1 month ago. it's May and the rains started early. Just had another bout with Acute Gastritis, stomach pain that the doctors does not know the cause. Otherwise, same old, same old. How come 12 months flew by so fast. I'm so happy nonetheless.

Yesterday. Accompanied a friend to by materials in Binondo. The Lakers lost Game 1 of the NBA finals. Huhuhu.


Planning a reunion isn't so simple as I thought. I guess it's different when your batch just 20 years out of school, more so if your HS only have 2 sections per level.
I wonder how my Mom does it year in and year out, and their batch has over 15 sections per level.

1 comment:

Ederic said...

Reunions, "re-connections".

Lately, my high school classmates have been actively texting and chatting on the Internet. I missed two reunions but promised to attend the next one in August.

Must be the approaching third decade in our lives that gets us excited about seeing our classmates 13 years after high school. :p

Nga pala, I'm now at :)