Monday, May 14, 2007

May Day

The day has finally arrived when most of our politicians can finally stop empty promises and false happiness and wait and see how far their money can bring them near a House seat.
I went to the precincts around 9am to avoid the rush, and there certainly not as much of a crowd when I got there.
There weren't as many people handing out sample ballots or not as many watchers in the classrooms . It may be a sign that maybe, this will be an orderly exercise.

One thing I like about voting is I get to visit my old school. I studied at Dr. Albert Elementary School in Sampaloc. My grandmother used to be principal of this school till I was in 2nd grade. The school got it's name from a pre-world war Secretary of Education, who also happens to be the grandfather of Joey Albert. (Which I only found out after I graduated, coz she wasn't famous then.) The school looked smaller that I remembered, like everything else for that matter. I can almost see myself playing in that quadrangle. I didn't run into some of my old classmates 'coz most of them have transferred after graduation.
One thing I did most the long weekend was catch-up on watching HEROES. I was not expecting a lot from this TV show coz I've been a comic book collector in my 20's and I'm expecting a rip-off of some of them.

I was wrong.

Despite the fact that the idea isn't original, the stories are still fresh and engaging and production must be a nightmare, having all those characters. It's like the X-men meets the X-files. I'm only halfway through the first season and I cant wait to finish watching the remaining episodes.

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