Tuesday, November 09, 2004

eventful weekend.

I thought last week was just gonna be the same as all my other weekends. I watched 2 movies from my backlog of flicks to see. First was "Before Sunset", which my friend recommended. It's really an entertaining "conversation" movie, much to the dismay of my officemates. The movie really showed that some of my notions in life and love exists in other people, even if it's in a movie. Especially the one where Celine is asking (while shouting, on the verge of tears) why is all her previous boyfriends got married after they broke up. I can relate to that. My only comlplain was the film's only 80 minutes long. I guess the director wanted the "real time" feel for this movie.

The other movie I saw was "The Incredibles", a CGI flick from PIXAR and has a running time longer than Before Sunset. I always love watching animated movies, whether it's 30 minutes or 2 hours. Maybe because a long time ago, before I was in my profession now, I wanted to draw for comic books and cartoons. Well, They're called graphic novels and animation today but who cares! The movie was great, just as all PIXAR movies. It has a simple story with great editing and fast-paced sequences which everyone will love. I'm still amazed how realistic the background and the "look" of the film had.

To top it all off, I went home to an "empty" house. My brother who was supposed to be home wasn't and he brought with him the key. I had no choice but to wait for about 2 hours, which brings everything back to normal.

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