Sunday, April 15, 2007

"puli na 'ko."

After 17 months and 25 days, I am home. I was formally recalled back to Manila. I was waiting for this day for a long time. Now I have to settle back to my old habits, but I'll never forget this experience for the rest of my life.
I've been ranting for a long time about going home, not because I hated the place but professionally speaking, I'm better off being based here. Personally I liked my stay there and I'm kinda sad leaving coz the "Ilonggos" are very warm and friendly. They look after you no matter who you are. The family I've stayed with from the beginning treated me like their own son. They cooked my meals and cleaned my room and even leave me alone so that I could watch TV. My bosses are also very kind and gentle, save for some reprimands that I deserved. They respected me and my suggestions and they did not treated me condescendingly. After they have moved in, they sent food to the offices for lunch or snack. When I informed them that I was being sent back, they treated me to a "despedida" lunch and dinner. They even offered that I use their pool but I declined. They're wealthy in more ways than I can remember but they didn't behave like brats.
I flew back early Sunday morning so as to let me catch the Pacquiao-Solis match. The flight was full but more importantly, it was on time. I checked in 2 hours early and passed time reading "Airframe" by Michael Crichton which is about an accident aboard an airplane. Didn't realized beforehand that I'll be finishing the book cruising at 30,000 fee, which I did. I finally got home just as Pac-Man is walking towards the ring while his song is blaring in the background. He KO'd Jorge Solis after 8 rounds.
Having less than 8 hours sleep the past 2 days, I was quite sleepy but it being the middle of summer I'll just wait till twilight to shut my eyes. I spent the afternoon unpacking my luggage and "pasalubong", weighed together was almost 60 kilos, 200% over the limit. Didn't realize that I brought so much stuff till I was packing up. 24 hours later and I'm still not finished.
I asked my boss for a week off and in the following days, I'll be doing errands and settling back in to my old routine. Looking forward, I know that I'll be going back there because I now have friends to see and places to visit, and someday soon settle down in Iloilo.

1 comment:

Ada said...

Welcome back! (Ahee kala mo nasa pinas ako)
